
Tricks for fixing ruined clothes / Kako popraviti uničena oblačila

1. Yellow armpit stains / Rumeni madeži pod pazduho

Scrub a stain with mixture of lemon juice and water. If this doesn’t help try scrubbing the stains with paste of baking soda and water. Let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it off and wash the clothes.

V oblačilo vtrite mešanico soka ene limone in vode. Pri trdovratnih madežih poskusite še podrgniti s pasto, narejeno iz sode bikarbone in nekoliko vode. Pustite učinkovati nekoliko minut in nato oblačila operite.

2. Strong odor / Močan vonj

If you don’t have time to wash your shirt and it has a strong odor, spray on some vodka and let it dry.

Če nimate časa, da bi oprali strajco in ima močan, čuden vonj, jo pošpricajte z malo vodke in pustite,da se posuši.

3. Foundation stains / Madeži od pudra

If you are like me this happens a lot. When I take off my shirt I leave a foundation stain on the collar almost every time. To treat this kind of stain you can put some shaving creme on it and leave it for a few minutes before throwing your shirt in the washer.

Zelo pogosto se mi dogaja, da slečem majicoin jo hkrati po ovratniku umažem s pudrom. Najlažje se tak madež odstrani s peno za britje. Pošpricajte jo na madež, pustite učinkovati nekaj minut in nato operite majico v stroju.

4. Lipstick stain / Madež od šminke


Spray some hairspray on the clothes and let it sit for a bit. Dab the stain before washing it in the washer.

Na madež našpricajte lak za lase in pustite stati nekoliko minut. Nato ga potapkajte in vrzite oblačilo v pralni stroj.

5. Oil stains / Oljni madeži


There are several ways to remove oily/greasy stains:
Različni načini odstranjevanja oljnih / mastnih madežev:

1. Liquid dish detergent / Detergent za pranje posode

Rub some dish detergent into the stains. The best way to do that is by using an old toothbrush. Be sure to rub the stain on the back of the shirt also. You can rinse it with water or better with vinegar ( I call it the natural cleaner ).
You can also put some baby powder on the stain and then remove with with a spoon before rubbing in the dishwasher detergent.

V oljni madež vtrite nekoliko detergenta za pranje posode. Najbolje je, da to storite s staro zobno ščetko. Ne pozabite podrgniti tudi na notranji strani srajce. Detergent nato sperite z vodo ali še bolje kar s kisom, ki ga jaz imenujem kar Naravni čistilec.
Lahko pa po madežu potresete baby puder in ga odtsanite z žličko in šele nato vtrete detergent za pranje posode.

2. Spot remover and hot water / Odstranjevalec madežev in vroča voda

Spray a spot remover on the stain and scrub it with on old toothbrush or if you have a spot remover like me (SIL spot remover) you need to let the foam to soak in the fabric. Meanwhile bring a large pot of water to boil and than carefully spatter it over the fabric. Warning: you should put you clothes in the bathtub or washbasin. Be VERY careful with splatter so you don’t get hot water on your feet.  Hot water helps to break grease or oil molecules.

Na madež pošpricajte sprej za odstranjevanje madežev ( Sil) in podrgnite s staro zobno ščetko in pustite učinkovati nekaj minut. Medtem zavrite lonec vode in jo zlijte na oblačilo. POZOR: položite majico v tuš kabino ali banjo. Bodite previdni, da se ne opečete.

6. Red wine stain / madež od rdečega vina

The best way to remove red wine stain is to treat it immediately. First dab the stain with a clean towel/cloth. You can put some salt on it to prevent it going deeper in the fabric. Or you can use white wine or baking soda. After a few minutes wash your clothes in the washing machine.
I find it easier to just rub the stain with soap for hand wash and then spray spot remover on it. I usually use Sil spot remover. Don’t freak out if the stain turns blue. This is normal.

Da bi dosegli najboljši učinek, je najbolje, da se lotite odstranjevanja madeža takoj. Najprej popivnjate madež s kuhinjsko brisačo ali krpo. Nato lahko nanj potresete sol, ki bo preprečil, da bi vino prodrlo globje v tekstil. Za odstranjevanje madeža lahko uporabite sodo bikarbono ali belo vino. Nato oblačilo operite v pralnem stroju.
Jaz odstranjujem madeže o drdečega vino oz. od vseh sadežev rdeče in vijolične barve (jagode, borovnice, maline…) tako, da najprej vtrem v tkanino milo za ročno pranje perila, podrgnem, nato posrejam Sil odstranjevalev madežev in pustim učinkovati približno 10 minut. Nato operem oblačilo v pralnem stroju.

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